You are currently viewing 4 Horrible Habits For Your Health You Probably Do

We all tell a little white lie from time to time about our health, but what are the horrible habits we should avoid? Here are some you might want to consider kicking to get your health back on track.

1. Not Telling Your Doctor The Whole Truth

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If you go to your health check with your doctor and glaze over the truth you’re really not going to be able to get the best health support. If you drink too much, you have issues with your health or you are too embarrassed to fess up to one ailment or another it’s important to be honest and tell them the whole truth – chances are they have heard it all before and then some!



2. Emotional Eating

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Do you reach for sweets or chocolate every time you feel down or stressed? It could mean you could wind up with a bad health problem if you’re not careful. Rather than grabbing something sweet when you are sad or depressed, why not take out your feelings on a carrot or veggies so that you’re not filling your body with sugar and fats. Better yet, to avoid emotional eating you can put your sneakers on and go for a walk to get some fresh air.



3. Midnight Snacking

Portrait Of A Man Taking Food From Refrigerator
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When you are struggling to sleep of you wake up at night you might think you’re hungry and a night midnight snack will help you get back to sleep. Snacking in the night time when everyone else is sleep is a dangerous habit to get into and you might find you’re both tired and groggy the next day from eating too many calories.



4. Eating Late Dinners

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If you work long hours and you struggle to have a normal life it can mean you are eating your evening meal super late in the night time which doesn’t allow enough time for you to digest your food. Aim to have your largest meal long before you retire to bed so your body has the time to empty its contents and you’re not laying down for long periods of rest with a full stomach of food.


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