5 Natural Anti-Inflammatory Supplements

Some things just don’t know when to quit: past-their-prime sitcoms; greedy, ineffectual CEOs; hurricane season, and … inflammation. Yes, inflammation. In the case of an injury or infection, inflammation is…

7 Alarming Reasons to Avoid High-Fructose Corn Syrup

Have you heard of high-fructose corn syrup? It’s in everything, and it’s very, very bad for you. High-fructose corn syrup is a heavily processed sweetener found in all kinds of…

25 Common Dreams and Their Meanings

[nextpage title="Next Page" ] Human beings have been trying to figure out the meaning of their dreams probably for as long as humankind has existed. The need to make sense…

The Art of Shaving: 3 Simple Steps

There was a time when shaving was not seen as a chore. It was gratifying, a tradition even, passed down from father to son. But today, in a world full…

Massage Therapy: Facts and Fiction

Like sleeping in, taking a beach day or enjoying some chocolate, many people look at massage as an indulgent way to treat themselves and de-stress. However, in addition to making…

The 5 Best Natural Sleep Remedies

There are few things that feel worse than being exhausted, yet unable to sleep. In addition to insomnia (the inability to fall or stay asleep), many people also suffer from…

Top 5: Essential Bodybuilding Supplements

Whether you’re training to become the next Mr. Olympia, or just fed up with co-workers taking your lunch, supplements can give you the upper hand when in the gym. And…

Buying Organic: When Is It Worth It?

You’ve probably heard that buying organic is better for your health and for the environment. Generally, both of these statements are probably true. USDA-certified organic foods are grown free of…

Chest Pain: When You Should Worry

Chest pain can be scary. It may indicate a serious underlying health problem, such as a heart attack, angina or another heart condition, although less-serious causes, such as heartburn, can…

The 5 Least-Healthy Foods in America

With our fast-paced lifestyles and convenient, tasty food choices on every corner, eating right can be a challenge in today’s America. Unfortunately, our poor eating habits are making us increasingly…