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How would you use an extra $50,000 or $200,000 if you knew how to win the lottery again and again? A mathematician figured out how and is sharing his secret…


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1. How?

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Did you ever wonder how some people could be so lucky and win the lottery more than once? Some even win five times! Or ten! What if it wasn’t “luck?” What if there was a system these people were using to win lottery after lottery? What if you knew the system?


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2. Why Not Me?

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One man decided he wanted to “crack the code” of lotteries. He did a little research and found some people who won the lottery lots of times. Then he did something crazy. He picked up the phone and called them to ask their secret. He was surprised when they shared what they felt helped them win.


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3. Lotteries

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A lottery is a gambling game where a group of numbers is chosen from a larger group of numbers. If you select, via a bet, the right group of numbers, you win the prize, which is usually a staggering amount. In recent years, some people have picked the right numbers not once or twice, but three or more times.


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4. Repeat Winners

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Richard Lustig won the lottery seven times to accumulate over $1 million. Ralph Havis won three times: $150,000, $150,000, and then a cool million. Calvin and Zatera Spencer won three times, also, starting with a $1,000,000 Powerball, then a $50,000 prize and followed that with another million-dollar win. What’s their secret?


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5. Spending A Dime

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On the other end of the phone, the man, a professionally skilled mathematician, took lots of notes. The winners he contacted each had their own “secret” formulas…and they were willing to share them with him.


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6. The Secrets

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He analyzed 32 of the formulas of repeat lottery winners. He studied them and realized they all shared some similarities. Next, he used his mathematics background and put the numbers through an advanced mathematical probability theory…and constructed his own formula.


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7. The Formula Works!

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It took 163 different variations and over a year to perfect his formula. Then he started to win. And win. And win. The formula significantly increases the chance of winning the lottery. Using it, your chances of winning go from “improbable” to “extremely great.”


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8. Sharing

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After winning so many lotteries, and purchasing a Bentley for himself and a Ferrari for his wife, (as well as spoiling his kids with all the things he formerly was not be to afford) he decided to share the secret.


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9. Others’ Victories

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One user said he wins about $21,000 a month. Another said he won $3,000 or more five times in only three months. A man named Jared won six times in two months. And a group of MIT students did it together and won $8,000,000! Would you like to try the formula for 60 days?


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10. Why Not YOU?

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All you need to get started is a notebook and a pen or pencil. You can pick these up for $2.00 at a local office supply store or even in the grocery store. You’ll also need the winning numbers for several previous drawings. You can find this information online in three minutes.


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11. What You Do

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Plug the prior winning numbers of a lottery into his simple formula. It will give you the next winning numbers, based on his year’s worth of work. Practically every lottery is based on the same values, so you can use this and win anywhere. Go buy a ticket!


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12. Did You Win?

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How were your results your first time out? Don’t be discouraged if you only won a few thousand dollars on your first try. Or if your first try didn’t hit the mark. Numbers don’t lie, and it will be only a short matter of time before you hit!


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13. Expectations

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Use the system and expect payouts of $15K – $20k monthly. (Some months might be $10K months. Some might be more.) Count on two large wins every month.


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14. Planning

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Before you start winning, plan how you will use the money to avoid arguments later. What will you do with your first windfall? Pay off bills? Pay off your mortgage? Go on a much-needed vacation? Buy a new car? Write your plans now!


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15. Check Out The System

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You’ve gotta hear his personal story. It’s inspiring and exciting. Click here to hear and to learn more!

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