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Santa Claus drinking sherry and eating a cookie by the fireplace and Christmas tree

Does the threat of holidays make you consider the extra pounds you have put on over the break? The Christmas turkey, the long meals by the fire or way too many slices of pie? Here are some simple tips to getting to January 1st without putting on weight.

1. Don’t Fast Before Feasting

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Avoid the temptation of fasting, you’re just going to wind up super hungry and gorge yourself on the first thing that gets put in front of you. Be mindful of your eating and avoid sweets and snacks and eat normal meals. Fasting will just make you irritated and won’t help you during your holidays to relax and enjoy yourself.

2. Eat What You Want

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The key to eating what you want is to eat in moderation, so if you want a piece of cake or you feel like a potato covered in sour cream – eat it but just do it in moderation. If you restrict yourself from certain foods you’re probably going to wind up eating them anyway so just have small tastes of the food you love and don’t over do it.


3. Give Doggie Bags

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At holiday events there is always lots left over, so if you are hosting a party send your guests home with a little doggie bag so you don’t have too much food in your home that you might be tempted to nibble on all the way up to 1st January. Sending your guests home with your delicious treats will free you of all the food you don’t really need or want to eat and ensures there is no waste.

4. Ignore The Food

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If you are at a party, why not take in the sights and delights of your guests and surroundings and avoid the food altogether. You can dance, listen to music, have a chat or just relax with relatives without needing to fill your face with food. An easy rule is to avoid food unless you’re sitting down at a table, this will allow you to get a good understanding of the food you are eating and cut your food intake to three meals a day.

5. Weigh In

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Make yourself accountable and weigh yourself throughout your holiday. Keeping an eye on your weight wil allow you keep track of your intake and ensure that if you had a big eating day one day you cut back a little so that your body re-sets. Don’t eat your way through Christmas and then after 10 days wonder how you put on all the weight!

6. Breathe

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Holiday times can be stressful, particularly with family, friends, and siblings, so if you feel a little overwhelmed just take a few minutes out and do some meditation to clear your mind and get some zen. Ten minutes is all you need each day to relax and get in touch with your meditative state.

7. Be Active

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Even if it is Christmas why not put on your sneakers and go for a walk or run. The fresh air will help relax you and you’ll be able to enjoy the season without worrying about putting on weight. Bring along a friend or family member and you’ve got a great opportunity for a catch up.


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