You are currently viewing 7 Secrets to a Landing Page Design that Converts

Landing pages should motivate people to take action and maximize conversions – after all, they are the ultimate sales channel. If you’re not having much luck with your landing page you could be having issues with your online ads, email marketing or you just need an overhaul on your customer journey.

In this article, we offer our top secrets to ensure your landing page is created to maximize results and get the converts you’ve been dreaming of.

1. Stay Laser-Focused on One Goal


Each and every landing page should have one goal, not multiple, but one clear goal – whether it be to subscribe people to your newsletter, offer an ebook or get specific new leads. Don’t over complicate things and add in too many options – stick with one clear goal and ensure your offer or incentive takes center stage.

2. Put the Most Important Information Above the Fold

Your customer or potential lead will not scroll, so cut the waffle and get the info you want them to see front and center so that they see the call to action quick smart. Keeping the most important information ‘above the fold’ as they say in the industry just means that all the essential info, such as the how, the why, the when and the where is included in the first section of the landing page so it is razor sharp and easy to get the key CTA’s.

3. Create a Clear Headline

Create a Clear Headline

Your headline will sell the whole landing page and if it isn’t up to scratch you will lose potential leads and sales so spend the time on your headline to makes sure it hits a home run. Communicate the key elements of what your audience what to know and what’s in it for them and you could be onto a winner. The headline should be concise and clear plus make your audience or reader want to read more.

4. Use a Clear and Repeated Call to Action


Have you ever read content and not really known what you need to do next? Enter the Call To Action (CTA). This marvellous little marketing tool should be added ‘above the fold’ and should be a clear action or instruction for the reader such as ‘Click here to sign up for our newsletter’ or ‘ Click to join our mailing list’.

5. Display Relevant Information and Images Only

Relevant Information and Images Only

Don’t add in anything that isn’t relevant to your landing page – images should enhance your message otherwise remove them. Each and every piece of content and imagery should tell a story and be a clear way to direct your audience to a set goal. If your content doesn’t move visitors towards your ultimate goal then get rid of it.

6. Limit Formatting to One-Column and a Lot of White Space

Limit Formatting to One-Column and a Lot of White Space

On a landing page, clutter is not welcome so be sure to ensure your layout and content is laser-focused and you have a super simple message. Avoid the extra elements you might find on a website and only have a single column layout with heaps of white space to keep a clear flow on the page. Use simple headings, subheadings and easy to read dot point lists on the page.

7. Provide Proof of Your Claims

Provide Proof of Your Claims

There is nothing worse than claims without merit or evidence so if you are going to throw out some claims of your product or service be sure you can back it up with some concrete evidence. You can do this by providing imagery as backup or you can provide testimonials which work a treat. If you are going to publish endorsements make sure you disclose any material connections such as paid endorsement arrangements so that it is both ethical and legal.

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